PENCILLINE. Broad spectrum antibiotic. Use in dogs, cats, cattle, sheep, swine and horses. Ready to use sterile injectable suspension.
Each mL contains:
Procaine Penicillin G 150.000 IU
Benzathine Penicillin G 150.000 IU
Dihydroestreptomycin Sulfate 150 mg
Excipients q.s.f. 1 mL
Broad spectrum antibiotic. This product is used for the treatment of infectious diseases caused by germs sensitive to penicillin and streptomycin association.
Pneumonias, Metritis, Nephritis, Pyelonephritis, treatment and prevention of secondary infections of wounds, Septicemias, Pyoderma, prevention of post surgical infections, infections by Anaerobic germs, Leptospirosis, bacterial infections secondary to viral infections.
Agents susceptible to Penicillin:
Gram-positive bacteria: Streptococcus zooepidermicus, Streptococcus canis, Streptococcus suis and Streptococcus spp, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus spp, Arcanobacterium Corynebacterium pyogenes, Corynebacterum renale, Corynebacterium seudotuberculosis, Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus anthracis, Clostridium spp, Dichelobacter (Fusobacterium) nodosus, Fusobacterium necrophorum, Actinomyces bovis. Dermatophilus congolensis.
Gram-negative bacteria: Pasteurella spp, Moraxella spp, Neisseria spp, Haemophilus suis, Erysipelothrix rusopathiae.
Spirochetes: Treponema hyodisenteriae, Leptospira spp.
Agents susceptible to Streptomycin:
Leptospira pomona, hardjo, icterohaemorrhagiae, Leptospira spp, Actynomices bovis, Actinobacillus lignieresi, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Pasteurella multocida, Francisella tularensis, Yersinia pestis, Campylobacter fetus var venerealis, Salmonella enteritidis, Salmonella choleraesuis, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp, Listeria moncytogenes.
Intramuscular or subcutaneous route in dogs and cats.
Intramuscular exclusively in cattle, sheep, swine and horses.
Dogs and Cats: Intramuscular or subcutaneous route
Procaine Penicillin G: 10.000-20.000 IU / kg
Benzathine Penicillin G: 10.000 IU / kg
Dihydroestreptomycin: 10-20 mg / kg
Dogs and Cats: 0.5 – 1 mL per 7.5 kg of body weight.
Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Horses: Intramuscular route exclusively.
Procaine/ Benzathine Penicillin G: 10.000 a 20.000 IU / kg
Dihydroestreptomycin: 10 mg / kg
Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Horse:
3 – 6 mL per 100 kg of body weight.
Repeat at: 24 to 48 hs depending on the severity of the case.
Use restrictions / Withdrawal period
Do not administer to dairy cattle or sheep whose milk is intended for human consumption.
Do not administer in horses intended for human consumption.
Do not send the meat of treated bovines, sheep and pigs for human consumption until 30 days after the last application.
Do not administer to animals with history of hyper sensibility or allergies to penicillin, cephalosporin and aminoglycosides.
Do not administer to animals with decreased renal function or in states of dehydration, or in animals less than one month old.
Shake before use.
Given the need to apply the product to an animal with kidney disease, the dose should be reduced within the suggested range or its application should be spaced according to the criteria of the acting professional.
High concentrations of antibiotic can cause irritation of the tissues in the injected area therefore it is advised to divide the dose into different sites.
Cattle, Horses: administer up to 10 mL at each site of inoculation.
Sheep and Swine: administer up to 5 mL at each site of inoculation.
In case of symptoms of intoxication apply symptomatic medication and administer diuretics for a more rapid elimination of streptomycin
Store below 30ºC, protected from direct sunlight
Keep out of the reach of children and domestic animals
Consult your veterinarian.
National Poison Center: 0800-333-0160
(Logo de Reciclado)
Protect the environment
SENASA (*) Certificate Nº 05-220
Produced and manufactured in facility Nº 8589:
Fragata Heroína 4988 | B1615ICH | Grand Bourg |Buenos Aires | Argentina
H.T.: Dr. Juan D. Onainty. MV MN 6167
Pencilline. Vials containing 50 or 100 mL of Sterile Injectable Suspension.
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Attention schedule:
Mon a Fri: 08:00-17:00
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Fragata Heroína 4988 (B1615ICH)
Grand Bourg, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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