Magnesium Lactobionate 10.760 g, Magnesium Lactate 10,075 g, Magnesium Gluconate 9,471 g, Magnesium Borog lu conate 7,543 g, Calcium Borogluconate 3,609 g, Excipients q.s.f. 100 ml .
Unimag provides fo ur organic compound s of high bioavailability, in combination with an organic salt of calcium.
Magnesium in the animal organism does not have any specific reserve or deposit organ. This nutrient is found in all cells activating an extensive precise and essential enzyme system for animal life, maintenance and production
The animals (mainly ruminants) under conditions of grazing and natural or artificial feeding, physiologically suffer an imbalance in
their magnesium needs, either caused by a low magnesium diet, by a blockage of magnesium ingested in rumen (with the nutrients or magnesium salts provided orally) or by a negative balance between magnesium ingestion and the animal need in circumstances of greater demand (eg. Increased milk production, prior parturition, in stress situations, weaning, intense cold, cloudy days, wind, confinement and transportation).
Descripti on of field sit u atio ns:
1 I Cows fall and die quickly, sometimes wi th nervous signs (peda ling, aggressiveness) or without specific signs, even at necropsy. “Drip” mortality occurs (one today, another tomorrow, etc.). The rest of the rodeo “tremb les” and after the confinement or during it some other animal usually falls.
Grazing conditi on: Tender regrowths of winter or spring grasses, oats, rye, triticale, agropiro and weeping grass. among others.
Clim ate Co nditi on: Cloudy, rainy, frosty or windy days.
Treatment scheme:
On the rodeo: Magnesium levels in animals are already very low, energy demand is very important.
Apply Unimag at a rate of 2,5 to 3 ml every 50 kg of weight
subcutaneously, carefully enclosing the animals.
Repeat after 20 days and if unfavorable field conditions are followed, repeat every 45 to 60 days.
Fallen animal emergency tre atm ent:
(Acute Hypomagnesaemic Tetany)
Administer Unimag by slow intravenous route (by gravity) up to 100 ml of the product If the animal rises during the administration discontinue the application. If the animal does not get up after this first treatment but its condition is normal, the intravenous treatment may be repeated in six hours. To recover the station after the intravenous treatment it is recommended to apply Unimag: 2,5 ml every 50 kg of weight subcutaneously.
2 I Growing cattle begins grazing spring grass, but its weight gain is very low or zero in the first 60-90 days or negligible during the whole period of consumption o f the rapidly growing, lush, green grass, or regrowth tender grass; some animals usually have diarrhea. The forage resource was consumed, but a correspond in g weight gain was not obtaines.
Treat ment scheme:
This situation should be prevented, applying to the entire farm that will graze spring grass 3 to 4 days before, Unimag at a rate of 2,5 ml every 50 kg of weight subcutaneously.
This treatment should be repeated every 45 to 60 days until the
grass matures and sets.
Note: this medicine should not be consid ered as an anabolic or specific fattening promoter, the field situation described above is a reference for subclinical hypomagnesaemia in young animals.
Descr ipt ion of field situ ati ons:
So much for breeding and dairy cattle, the cows are pregnant in tl1eir last period of gestation, in winter time and begin to give birth. Many fall after births and with medical attention they get up (see emergency treatment of the fallen animal), others die suddenly.
Treat ment sch eme:
In dairy cows 2,5 ml of Unimag should be applied every 50 kg of weight subcutaneously at the time of drying. Repeat one week before giving birth and then within the week of calving.
In breeding cows, apply Unimag 2,5 to 3 ml every 50 kg of weight
assembling lots are as close as possible to parturition.
Attention schedule:
Mon a Fri: 08:00-17:00
Where we are
Fragata Heroína 4988 (B1615ICH)
Grand Bourg, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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